Time is Money

Money is the most valuable thing to an attorney. Right?

I disagree. Time is the most valuable commodity to an attorney.

A potential client recently asked me how MyMotionCalendar would improve his practice. I asked him what his goals were for the year. He fumbled, he didn’t have a clear goal for the year. So I asked him if he wanted to make more money. He of course said “Yes.” I asked him how he intended to accomplish this goal. Again, he was vague in his response.

I then asked him how he spent his time. His answer was predictable: “It depends on the week and what I need to get done.” This was an excuse. The real answer was that he had no clue. He didn’t know how much time he should did spend  or should spend per week meeting with current and new clients, networking, working on cases, or managing his practice.

But he knew he had to do all of those things. I asked him how he prioritized everything. The attorney admitted that he was basically managing his practice by “shooting from the hip.” In other words, he was putting out fires and dealing with the emergencies as they came up.

So, you say, this is the life of a solo practitioner or small law firm. That’s the “nature of the practice.”

Guess what? This attorney was a partner at a 80 lawyer firm with an entire administrative and support team.

The truth is that all attorneys deal with these same issues. It’s not unique to solo or small firms.

So how can MyMotionCalendar assist? What is the value?

We can’t solve all of your time management challenges, but we can assist you when it comes to court appearances.

MyMotionCalendar takes care of the routine matters and gives attorneys back valuable time so they can focus on the important and substantive matters that is the best use of their time and energy.

Ask yourself, is attending a routine court hearing your Highest Payoff Activity? Is it the “Highest and Best Use of Your Time?”

Often times, it’s not.

There’s a lot of activities an attorney needs to do to generate new business and to satisfy current clients. Having an attorney from MyMotionCalendar attend non-essential hearings for you will give you some of that valuable time back.