Contact Information
Please enter your first name
Please enter your last name
Please enter your firm's name
Please select a state
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Please enter a valid phone number
Please enter a password
(at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, and 1 number)
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I Agree to the Coverage Attorney Agreement * Please agree to the Coverage Attorney Agreement
Practice Information
Please enter your graduation year in the format YYYY
Please select your experience
Please select your primary practice area
Please select an answer
Please select an answer
Please select an answer
Please let us know who you represent
Please select an answer
Credential and Other Information
Drag a file into this box or click on the box to upload your file.
Please select that state you are admitted to practice in
Please enter your bar number
Drag a file into this box or click on the box to upload your file.
Please select your payment preference
Please ensure your SSN is in the specified format
Please select a month
Please select a day
Please select a year
Please let us know how you heard about us
Please let us know how you heard about us
Which counties do you cover?
Which additional states are you admitted to and eligible to practice in?
Please select an option
Drag a file into this box or click on the box to upload your file.

Are there other attorneys in your area, or elsewhere, that you would recommend and refer to MMC?

Application Version 1.7.0